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Join the Yarn Benders
A New Knitting and Stitching Group
2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month, 7 - 8:30 pm
Next meeting Tuesday, April 23
in the New Space

Yarn Benders is a group for people who enjoy needlecraft or want to learn! Experienced needlecrafters and the yarn-curious are welcome! Come as often as your schedule permits. Your project can be knitting, crocheting, counted cross-stitch, embroidery, or anything else you enjoy.

NEW KNITTERS: We will teach you how to knit! Your first project will be a hat or scarf. Bring size 8 needles and a skein of worsted-weight yarn.

EXPERIENCED KNITTERS: Bring your own project or you are welcome to join with us in making baby hats for Hopple Street Health Clinic. We will have patterns available for both knitting and crocheting baby hats.

If you plan to knit a baby hat, bring your size 5 & 6 double-pointed needles and a skein of DK yarn.

If you plan to crochet a baby hat, bring a size 4.0 mm (G) crochet hook and a skein of DK yarn.

Grab a project, grab a friend, and we'll see you at Lord of Life to bend some yarn!

Barb Mackey & Susan Cramer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.