Let me guess what you are thinking… How could Pastor Corey have anything more to say about stewardship that hasn’t been said in the last three weeks? In leading up to Commitment Sunday, November 3rd, we have been sharing the vision with the congregation of where the ministries of Lord of Life are heading in 2020. In order to make those ministries happen, it takes the generosity of many people, giving large and small gifts alike. With those gifts, we hope to plant seeds in faith to invest in our church home, our church family, and our community.
This week you also received a brochure in the mail that explained the finances it will take to make those ministries a reality next year. What we didn’t mention in that brochure is that it will take more than just money. Once we have funds to launch the ministries we will need dedicated people with servant’s hearts to make them a success. Sometime in the new year, we will give everyone the opportunity to fill out a “Gifts and Passions Survey,” which will help you match your gifts and passions to the ministries of the church.
In the meantime, we encourage you to begin thinking about what kind of commitment of time and talents you would like to give in 2020. One way that you can free up some time in your busy schedule is to begin scheduling faith development and service into your family’s calendar. Just as you put work, dinner, school, sports practices, music concerts, and more on your calendar, consider dedicating some time to God each week or month and see how God uses that in your life.
There are ways this year that you can test out those waters. You can join us on Wednesday nights at 6 pm for dinner, fellowship, and Bible study. You can commit to serving on Sunday mornings in one of our services. You could sign up to be part of our new Small Group book study that begins the week of November 17. Are you not sure what I am talking about? Be looking in your mailbox this week for a special gift that will help you and your family discuss better ways to steward our time.
We know that everyone at Lord of Life is in different stages of their lives. Some can give a lot and some can only give a little, in both time and money. It’s not about the amount you give, but about the intention behind the gift. I encourage you to increase in generosity this season, in a way that works for you, and see how contagious it can be and how God changes you in the process.
Giving thanks for each of you,
Pastor Corey