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Do your friends regale you with connection stories that go something like this?

“My daughter’s boyfriend’s sister’s friend met Brad Pitt.” Or, “My aunt’s brother-in-law’s cousin is a distant relative to Elvis.”

We all tell these connection stories. It is as if we are saying, “Do you know who I know?” In fact, we do not know the person at the center of the story at all. We are three steps away from knowing them. We like to tell these stories about our place of work, the clubs we belong to, and our neighborhoods, too.

But what about our church? Being a part of Lord of Life and its incredible Outreach Ministry opportunities can give you countless connections stories. You can simply tell the stories or choose to be an active participant in the story. I hope you choose the latter.

Take Family Promise for example. Family Promise was started in 1986 by a woman who learned that homelessness was affecting families in her own community. Thirty years later this national network has 203 affiliates in 43 states and has served 68,000 families engaging 160,000 volunteers.

Family Promise of Butler County began three years ago. Lord of Life was a part of this exciting program at its inception and continues to serve homeless families four weeks each year. In 2020, Lord of Life will host five weeks.

Family Promise staff helps homeless families search for a job or a better paying job, secure food stamps, daycare vouchers, and receive counseling at the day center all without the additional daily stress of having to find food and shelter for their young families.

In 2018, Lord of Life served 21 families, 61 individuals of which 62% were children. 38% of the children were under the age of 5. Because Family Promise is predicated on empowerment, not enabling, 75% of these families secured permanent or transitional housing. The average length of stay in the program was 57 days.

Every single day in Butler County, 2/3 of all families are one missed paycheck, one medical emergency, or one family crisis away from homelessness. Read that again… Butler County. Two thirds, 66%, two out of three! Consider this. The family car breaks down, there is no money to repair or replace it, getting to work becomes difficult, and the downward spiral into homelessness begins.

Lord of Life welcomed and hosted families just a few weeks ago. One morning, as I greeted them and helped them pack a lunch, a mom told me three times how happy she was to be sleeping in a bed, getting the best night’s sleep she has had in ages. You see, she and her teen daughter had been sleeping in a car. I cannot adequately describe the look on her face. I saw peace and relief. I saw hope and I saw a new beginning.

So, will you be telling folks about how your church supports Family Promise or will you be an active participant in the program? I hope you choose the latter.

Hoping to connect,
Lauri Vesper
Lauri is one of our Family Promise Coordinators.

Want to hear more? You can hear a Family Promise graduate tell their story at the annual Keeping the Promise fundraiser on October 17 at Wetherington Country Club. Details of the event are available on our website

To read Lauri’s previous blog, click here.