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God says,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your young men will see visions,
    your old men will dream dreams.                                                        Acts 2:17

I love the story of Pentecost.  The image of the disciples, gathered together, filled with uncertainty, resonates with me.  They have this amazing knowledge, that Jesus is the real deal, the son of God who rose from the dead to save us all. They’ve seen him heal, and forgive, and embrace those who were shunned by everyone else. But what do they do about it? Telling others about this good news could open them up to derision, or cause them to be cast out by their community. But then, the Holy Spirit comes, and they are filled with hope and purpose, equipped to carry on His work. So often, I feel like the disciples. I know Jesus is the real deal, but how do I share the good news, especially with folks who don’t speak my language?

For a start, I put myself in the same situation as the disciples. Okay, okay, so not exactly the same situation: I wasn’t hiding out in an upper room, hoping that the community leaders or the military wouldn’t roust me out and crucify me.  I was in the church library, with snacks and air conditioning (but we did have hummus). Our Ministry Area Coordinators (MACs) gathered, as they do every month.  In the summer, the focus is on dreaming dreams: how can we, as well-fed, English-speaking, educated white people ‘speak the language’ of those who need us to  embrace them with the Good News?

Well, the Holy Spirit was with us, too. The ideas that poured out for the coming year: to teach, to feed, to reach out – are creative, and exciting, and sometimes scary.  We don’t know how to get it all done. But we know we are called to start, and we will be equipped with the right words when we need them, and we’ll move forward together. 

Over the coming weeks, the MACs will continue to plan, and organize, and create new programs. You’ll see the church calendar and the announcements fill with opportunities to live, and share, and celebrate with all people, God’s love in Jesus Christ. These opportunities were first imagined as some disciples gathered together, filled with the Holy Spirit, who dared them to dream dreams. Whether you are looking for your first opportunity to get involved, or feeling called to step into a leadership role, or you’ve dreamed up a new idea you want to share, there’s a place for everyone. Join us! 

Filled with the Holy Spirit,
