My brother-in-law had thriving elephant ear plants in Louisville that he needed to divide as they were taking over his yard. He offered cuttings of the tubers (like a bulb but in tube form) to his family in Cincinnati. Several said yes and the plant journey began. They were dug up but waited in Louisville for several days, withering in the hot sun, unrooted in traveling, they were delivered to several places in Cincinnati before a few ended up at our house.
We had a busy few days after they arrived, so they sat browning and curling before we were able to plant them. With good watering and fertilizing, and the humid heat of the summer, they took root and began to grow here too. Our neighbors noticed and asked if we would mind sharing a cutting. My husband explained that they also need care in the winter, either nestled in piles of leaves or dug up and brought inside but we would be happy to share.
This past Sunday, families showed up to plant roots of faith on Rally Day. We were intentional in tending to our life with Jesus. Our ability to root, or our choice of where to root, helps us grow and thrive. As we know, life can be so incredibly busy, and it can be easy to leave our faith withering or waiting for another day. But when we nurture it, we can pass that joy and peace on to others too. It’s never too late. Living out our faith doesn’t have to happen in our physical building, it can be anywhere. However, being grounded in a community that can enrich and support your family can be the sunlight that is crucial for thriving.
How exciting that we were spilling into every space available this past Sunday. We were packed in classrooms with our parents, learned about praying, received new Bibles, discussed future opportunities, and started to form relationships and renew past friendships. Most of all, we acknowledged that we are children of God period, no exceptions. We are welcomed just as we are and when life takes us away from this community, we are welcomed back always. Our teachers and helpers were open to planting roots, nurturing their faith, and sharing it with others. It was a Sunday filled with possibilities.
Looking back on our lives, most of us had a person who showed us how their faith in Jesus impacted their lives. They were intentional in sharing, serving, and loving. Who was it for you? They helped establish those roots that have enabled us to come back time and time again even in our brokenness.
As we move forward into this new season, where or how will you plant roots in growing your faith or your families? What in your life needs a little sunshine, fertilizing, or sharing? If you feel that life is like that withering plant, too busy or unsettled to even think about planting roots, we pray that knowing you are a loved child of God is enough for now. Like our elephant ears who are always leaning towards the sun for extra nourishment, we pray that you can lean into God’s sustaining and rooted promises of enduring love and hope.
Rooted in God’s love with you,
Angie Seiller, Director of Faith Formation