GA, GA, BALL! It is the sound that echoed in my ears many times at the Jr. High Retreat at Camp Kern. Each game begins with this chant. I have known about Gaga for some time, but I have watched it from a distance. We did not have Gaga growing up, so I didn’t know the rules. What I discovered as I got closer to the Gaga Pit (wooden octagon structure), you WILL be invited to participate even if you do not look particularly athletic or young.
“It's super simple. Basically, we throw a bunch of players and a ball in a pit. Once the ball is in play, you can hit it with an open or closed hand. If the ball touches you below the knee, you are out. The last one in the pit wins. Then, everyone hops back in for the next round. Games last no more than five minutes. It's fast, it's fun and it's really addictive. As soon as you get out, you can't wait to hop back in.”
Honestly, the first time I was invited to play, I was a bit suspicious that they wanted an easy target. There were a few intimidating, Gaga-loving teens. However, as the day went on, I came to see that they genuinely wanted everyone to be included regardless of skill.
During this fall stewardship campaign, as we talk about Forward in Faith, Worship, and Outreach, Gaga parallels our community of faith and God’s welcoming love for all of us. The mission of the gospel is too big for individuals, we are called to be together. We each have different gifts, yet we are one in the body of Christ. In Gaga, each person adds to the game, it could be that you can laugh at yourself, you are strong mentally or physically, you are the encourager, or the teacher, or the thoughtful observer. We are all mixed in our uniqueness in the “pit.”
Still facing life with COVID, it is difficult to figure out how we move forward in our faith and as a community of believers. What is our part? When will we be ready to jump in? What can I do at my own comfort level? What are the rules? Can I stretch myself? There aren’t easy answers. That first time is hard, but it feels so good when you step in. As our life in Christ, the beauty of Gaga is that everyone is invited back into the fold time and time again. The winner gets very minor accolades before a new game begins. Can we play the game with a few? We can, but it is far more satisfying and life-affirming when everyone is included.
LOL is our Gaga pit. We can jump in, live as God sees us, stretch ourselves and be comfortably on the edge while always belonging to each other. Paul writes of our new life in Christ as one body with many parts:
For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. - Romans 12:4-6a
Joining you in living, sharing, and celebrating with all people God’s love in Jesus Christ as we move forward in faith.
God’s peace always,
Angie Seiller, Director of Faith Formation
Other fun Gaga facts:
We have a Gaga pit at LOL. It needs a little TLC after COVID. Contact Angie if you are willing to help out (
Where did Gaga originate? Was it created by the Israeli Defense Force or by a frustrated camp counselor? To find out: