Wagonfield Photo

This blog was written by our member Corey Wagonfield, who is in his second year of seminary.

Dear Lord of Life Lutheran Church,

Thank you so very much for supporting me through my seminary journey to become an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). This is a call that I have felt since I was very young, but always made excuses as to why it wasn’t the right time. Often it was the fact that seminary costs about $20,000 per semester and I just didn’t have the available funds.

Your monetary gifts and prayers have helped me to live into my calling and allow me to focus on my seminary work instead of stressing about finances. I thank God for bringing you into my life and I pray nightly that God continues to shower blessings upon you.

I am entering my fourth semester at Trinity Seminary, which is now a part of Capital University, after a merger on January 1. I have completed 49 credit hours to date and am taking an additional 18 hours this semester. I will have two thirds of my credit hours completed at the end of this semester, the remaining third will be spread out over the next two years. For the last year, I have also been placed with Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, in Loveland, as a learning in context congregation. I have participated in worship there, preached once, led a confirmation class, taught adult Sunday School classes, and much more. I have one more semester with that congregation as part of my learning in context class and I hope to continue to learn more about preaching from their pastors.

In the Fall Semester, I took New Testament 1, Systematic Theology, Leadership in Context 2, Ministry of Preaching, Leading the Church’s Song, and Musical Leadership for Liturgy. This spring, I will be taking New Testament 2, Children in the Bible, Lutheran Confessions, Theology of Mission, Leadership in Context 3, The Care of Souls, and Being with the Poor. This past summer, I had the pleasure of serving as a Chaplain Intern at Trinity Community in Beavercreek, as part of a summer unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). It was a summer-long intensive that focuses on getting to know yourself, how you relate to people, how you relate to high-pressure situations, and much more. It was an amazing learning experience, but also extremely draining.

As part of Trinity’s focus on experiential learning, they have developed a 2+2 program. The 2+2 program consists of two years of classroom education and a full-time two year internship in an ELCA congregation. This is how Lord of Life’s intern, Lucas McSurley, landed here for these two years. By April, I should learn the location of my two year internship. I have requested that I be placed in a congregation within a one-hour drive of home, so that life for my wife, Megan, and our three kids can remain somewhat normative. When I start my internship this summer, I will be working for and learning from the congregation for thirty hours per week. I will also be taking two classes (one online and one intensive) each semester during this time.

Outside of classes, life has been pretty busy as well. A classmate and myself started an early morning prayer service on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the seminary. Participation has grown over the past semester and responsibility for leading the short, twenty minute service is shared amongst the participants. It has been an amazing experience as it has opened our eyes to how differently each of us prays and the rituals (or lack thereof) that are associated with that time of intentional prayer. On a completely different note, I packed up my DJ business at the end of 2017. I started my DJ business in 2000 and it has grown significantly over the last several years. I went out with a bang as my final gig was as the DJ for Kings Island’s Winterfest at the Coca-Cola Polar Party Zone.

During the school year, I drive up to Columbus each Sunday night and stay in my apartment through Thursday early evening. I have classes Monday through Thursday, as well as a chapel service every day at 10 am. I drive home on Thursday evening to spend the weekend with my amazing wife, Megan, and three adorable kids, Maddie (9), Mollie (7), and Max (4). Thanks to technology I am able to FaceTime with them every night before bed and talk to them about their days. Their support has been amazing and I can’t thank my wife enough for taking on the extra responsibility during the week while I am gone.

Hopefully this note has given you a glimpse into the life of a seminary student. Thank you again for your support. Your gifts have been tremendous blessings for me and my family during this time of excitement, studying, and transition.

God Bless,

Corey Wagonfield


Lord of Life supported Corey with a $5000 seminarian scholarship in 2017.

If you would like to offer additional support for Corey, please send a check payable to “Capital University” with memo line “Corey Wagonfield Seminary Tuition (Student ID#: 0958108).”

Capital University
Student Accounts Office
1 College & Main
Columbus, OH 43209