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Have you ever been so physically and mentally tired that all you want to do is sleep but you can’t? Usually, it’s the “to do” list whirling in my head. This month, my mind has been there but more overwhelmingly it has been all the beautiful hearts, hands, and feet that have been giving and growing in Jesus’ name. I find myself just smiling.

One of the questions we ask students in Vacation Bible School (VBS) is where they see God? Their answers are so sweet and innocent. God is in their food, in their friends, in their pets, and their swing sets.

As an adult, my God sightings this month are almost too many to count. When the ugliness in our world makes us question our faith or where God is, it gives me great peace to know that God is alive and well in the LOL community and we are working diligently to spread that message to all.

Here are just a few of my God sightings:

  • I saw God in college and high school students who could be making money at summer jobs but took a week to serve alongside others with the Appalachia Service Project (ASP) and in adults who took a week off work or jumped in after just retiring.
  • I saw God in the courageous people who blocked hateful messages at Hamilton Pride and shared God’s unconditional love while marching and working our booth.
  • I saw God in the people who serve each Sunday to create our worship services.
  • I saw God in donated ice cream funds for ASP, VBS donations of snacks and craft, VBS donations piled high with underwear/socks/diapers/wipes for Butler County Children’s Services and in LOL’s gift of $1500 to ASP.
  • I saw God in all our VBS leaders and helpers who smiled, encouraged, used their gifts, or stepped out of their comfort zone and gave of themselves to 70 students and each other, not to mention how they created, decorated and cleaned up like champions!
  • I saw God in people who weren’t visible, but I know were holding together a busy family, or working hard to provide or care for a sick or elderly person or praying for our safety and God’s presence to be known in all we do or experience.
  • I saw God in the leaders who stepped up to help organize ASP with laughter and skill when LOL staff couldn’t.
  • I saw God in the Healing and Affirming Service. We acknowledged the hurt that has been caused by the church to the LGBTQ+ community and shared the life changing message of hope and love that is for all people.
  • I saw God when our ASP crew shared the same daily meals as 20 people experiencing homelessness in Harlan County, KY at the Christ’s Hands facility.
  •  I saw God in one of our littlest VBS students. Helpers at VBS wore Thrivent “Live Generously” shirts that had a sideways red heart. This child thought it was a chair. Her mom gently informed her that it was a heart. She said, “like Jesus sits in your heart.” She knew where we could find God!
  • I saw God in the people who braved the heat during Cincinnati Pride to share the life-saving message that God loves ALL, no exceptions.

I really could go on and on. We are truly blessed with a faith community that uplifts, heals and shares as Jesus calls us to do.

Where do you see God today? What keeps you awake smiling? Praying along with you that the Holy Spirit continues to guide us to those precious moments.

Living, sharing, and celebrating God’s love in Jesus Christ with you,

Angie Seiller, Director of Faith Formation