lucas blogfinal

Ever wonder what God’s speed has to do with bidding farewell? Turns out, it comes from the Old English word “spede,” which means success. So, whenever we say goodbye in the form of “Godspeed” we are essentially saying, “May God grant you success.” As I prepare to step out into the world of pastoral leadership, it is with a grateful heart that I wish the Lord of Life community, “Godspeed.”

Before I did a Google search of Godspeed’s etymology, I conjured up a theory of my own about the meaning of Godspeed. Maybe the speed of God has something to do with bidding farewell. God’s pace is slow. Rushing through life is one of hardest temptations to avoid, but when we slowdown to appreciate all that God has done, we can begin to more fully live. Leaving an internship congregation is unlike many other departures in life. For starters, the end date was predetermined and it has been understood that eventually I would step away to use all that I have learned these last two years. You all have prepared me well to share what I have learned with the world.

Although I am excited to lead a congregation in Northeast Ohio, I have an overwhelming desire for time to operate at a snail’s pace for this final month. I want a God-like slowness so that there is enough time to reminisce on all the meaningful moments here. I want so badly for God to come swooping in and slow things down. I want time to say long-winded goodbyes to those who have changed my life, all of you. As the clock continues to tick, it is my prayer that the Lord of Life community intentionally lives in a God-like slowness. I hope that you never pass up an opportunity to slowdown and admire all the amazing things that God is up to in this place.

Speaking of slowness, I have begun the process of cleaning out my office. While digging through my things, I was reminded of how often I have seen God at work while on internship here. Although cleaning out my office is going incredibly slow, it is a God’s speed kind of slowness that I greatly enjoy. Each cabinet and drawer that I went through contained items that brought back amazing memories with all of you. For instance, I have an entire cabinet over my desk filled with children sermon props, everything from a potato to a Ziploc bag of green slim. There has truly never been a dull moment of God-inspired joy and creativity during these years.   

The cabinet next door is filled with a random collection of bits and pieces of the many costumes I have worn in ministry moments, from the Preschool Easter Bunny to a Vacation Bible School robot named Ian. Learning and growing with the youth has been a highlight of my two years here. The image of littles ones dancing in the center aisle will forever be implanted in my memory when I recall serving with this vibrant place. Although most of us could never muster the courage to go twirling in front of anyone during worship, I have always felt the spirit of the congregation dancing alongside the children. This community full-heartedly understands that God’s Resurrection promise is a gift worth sharing and celebrating. I have never underestimated this community’s ability to have a good time.

As I opened my cabinet doors to clear them out, all kinds of random goodies came pouring onto the floor. This abundance reminded me of the ongoing generosity that I have witnessed and been a part of here. As the intern, not only have I personally been showered by your kindness, but I have seen God change lives through the goodness of your giving hearts. Getting to witness the multitude of vibrant outreach ministries, I have learned how much good God can do through the power of rallying people together to serve those in need. I can’t tell you the number of times your generosity has left me in jaw-dropping astonishment. The Christ-like kind of sharing that I have seen throughout my time here fills me with enthusiastic hope that we can create the world God intended.  

As I continued to slowly rummage through my office, I was amazed by how many things that didn’t originally belong to me. While thumbing through the shelves, I noticed how many books originated on Pastor Lowell’s shelves. This serves as a literal representation of how readily Pastor Lowell has passed down his knowledge and wisdom. Throughout everything that we have been through together, there has always been an eye toward teaching. Pastor Lowell has taught me so much more than the tactile side of ministry. He has demonstrated what it looks like for pastors to holistically love the people they serve. I am able to move on from internship with confidence in my ability because I know I have been shaped by one of the best pastors in the church today.

As I long for God’s speed to kick-in, I am reminded of the long list of people to which I owe words of gratitude. Among that list is an encouraging staff, a supporting internship committee, a live-giving choir, an inspiring group of Stephen Ministers, and an entire congregation filled with Christ’s love. As the days of serving as your intern continues to dwindle, I pray these days ahead slowdown. I know I will not have enough time to say “thank you” to each of you, as my heart desires, but I hope you feel my sincerest gratitude.

Although our time together is short, this month will offer multiple opportunities to bid farewell. Graduation will take place at Trinity Lutheran Seminary on Saturday May 19 at 2:00pm. All are welcome to join the celebration. My final Sunday of worship will be May 27, which will be followed by a picnic outside after 9:30am worship. And of course, I am more than happy to grab lunch or coffee in the weeks ahead.

It is with a thankful heart that I wish you “Godspeed.” Until our paths cross again somewhere along the way, may God bless you and keep you and the Lord’s face shine upon you always.

With overflowing love,

Lucas McSurley