“Grace for today,” my favorite coffee cup and a reminder that I constantly need. It allows me to take a deep breath as I start the day and just for a quiet moment reflect on God’s amazing grace that sustains me always. Thoughts of the dear friend that gave it to me ground me in the knowledge that I am surrounded by community that holds me close and lifts me up.
I knew that I had taken a picture of this cup to send to my friend to show her that it brought me comfort on many days. When I did a search for coffee cups in my photo gallery to find the picture for the blog, I discovered several other “cup” moments that highlighted how precious it can be to take those moments by yourself or to savor time with family and friends. There were the unique coffee mugs at the beach house with family, my mom at my brother’s wedding, a girl’s weekend away which may have involved a variety of cups, etc. Try it, what “cup” moments might you savor or bring a smile from your gallery?
For the past couple of years, I feel like I need to supersize my coffee cup at times. Not just for the liquid gold that gives me a pick-me-up, but for a respite from the constant ups and downs of our world and life. Balancing the peaceful moments with the stress that I feel over the discourse in our country, the war in Ukraine, the consequences and future concerns of COVID, the weight of the work needed to be done to right injustice and help those in need. In addition to everyday stresses of house maintenance, the endless “to do” list, what to have for dinner, and having to play tambourine on video with talented musicians, just to name a few. I need to be reminded that there are things I can do and things that I need to put in God’s hands. There will be enough grace for all.
Jesus reminds us in the Sermon on the Mount that If we take a moment to consider how beautifully God clothes the flowers in the fields, we will recall God’s care for us. Considering the lilies reminded them, and reminds us today, how close God is. I almost feel that God should be having a cup of coffee when he is speaking. He knows what we need and what we need to be reminded of.
Truth is, I am not sure I really love coffee, but I love the feeling it brings especially on the day when my favorite cup is clean again and ready for new inspiration and a reminder of God’s unending grace. Is there something that grounds you in faith and is a needed reminder that God will always be there, giving you grace, love, and peace?
Raising my cup for you and praying we all feel God’s grace today.
God’s peace always,
Angie Seiller, Director of Faith Formation