rummageholyBoxes of all sizes, bags filled to overflowing, and truck’s full of generous donations just kept coming. From Sunday afternoon through late on Thursday evening, they filled every nook and cranny of available space at Lord of Life. Each day, I would think about how we could possibly sort through it all. How do you price thousands of items to sell in a week? Would we have enough volunteers to do it all? What happens if it doesn’t sell? What’s the right pricing to make the most for the youth but still have it all go?

I confess that I am not always good at listening to the “do not worry” verses in the Bible, especially when I like to work a plan or when there are factors I can’t control. I can lose sleep at night thinking about the “what if’s” or completely miss a great song on the radio because my thoughts are replaying every scenario of possibilities.

Oh, how I wish I could get those hours back these past few weeks because God had it all under control. I’m getting teary-eyed as I write thinking of the holy moments that happened as everyone pulled together toward a common goal for good. Hearts and minds toward one thing, toward one good purpose - our youth. We served and grew together.

I think of the people who do not have kids directly involved in the youth program who were there sorting, pricing, and working the sale. Or the grandma who signed up to help for a few hours and kept coming back day after day. Or the past organizers who had certainly “done their time” with this massive project but still showed up to help and guide. The people who said “yes” when I asked if they could load their trucks on a beautiful Saturday afternoon to take the leftovers to Goodwill and St. Vincent. The family that volunteered to take all the videos, DVDs, and books that didn’t sell to Half Price Books to get a few more dollars for our youth. And of course, there were the homemade cookies for working volunteers because someone wanted to help but couldn’t physically be there.

There were so many holy moments that could get lost in the worry of getting things done. Catching up with old friends and meeting new. Finding common interests in the wide array of books or items that reminded us of our childhood. Appreciating the beautiful soul that bought all the vases to bring flowers to hospice patients or the dog rescuer who was delighted to find dog cages and the woman who left her phone number so she could pick up all the leftover blankets for a homeless shelter.

Please know that this blog is not meant to give anyone guilt for not being there. Life is busy and it was a weekend full of band competitions, scouting events, and other commitments. All good stuff! I pray that  you,wherever you were and whatever you were doing, found just a little time not to worry and truly see how God intertwines our lives for community and purpose.

There are holy moments all around. How can you be intentional today in finding those moments? How can you be present with those around you, and give your worry to God?

Join me in saying a prayer of thanks for the $6200 raised for our youth and the hands and hearts that made it possible! Money that will be used so they can go out into the world to serve others and grow in their faith through mission projects and the 2024 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. I can’t wait to see how God continues to work through us. More holy moments to come!

God’s peace always,

Angie Seiller

Director of Faith Formation