We’re too busy right now – someone else is going to have to change it for us.
How many musicians does it take to put music together for Christmas? Too many to count. Seriously, right now I’m still trying to put a list together because so many people have given their time during this already busy season to add to the music during our worship moments. Megan, Eden, and Naaman have played oboe, flute, and handbells during all three of our mid-week Advent worship services. A whole load of children and adults lifted their voices during our instant Christmas pageant. Kelly and Brian sang and played violin during our Blue Christmas worship. And five groups of musicians have rehearsed on four different days of the week in preparation for Christmas Eve, which is just a few days away! Children's Choir, Youth Band, Adult Choir, Grace Notes and Handbells are all excited to offer music during our 6, 8, and 11 pm worship moments.
From my bench, I also see the flurry of non-musical activity happening around us - people are decorating, making sure our printed materials are ready, filling and re-filling candles with oil, cleaning and re-cleaning our busily used spaces. What a gift it is for so many people to be generous with their time and talents so that our time together during the Christmas season is extra special.
Thank you everyone for continuing to offer your gifts. I'm excited to worship with you all in the coming days!