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At the beginning of 2019, I made a New Year’s resolution to lose some weight. At the start of 2020, I weighed more than I did at any point within the last year. There were times in the past year when I had lost upwards of 25 pounds, but at some point, I packed them all back on, and then some. My New Year’s resolution was a complete failure. Why did this happen? Well, duh, it was because I ate more calories than I burned, but seriously, why was I not successful at achieving my resolution? I am nothing if not an achiever. I make daily to-do lists, weekly to-do lists, grocery shopping lists, and believe it or not, I have even made lists of which to-do list to tackle first. I should have easily been able to figure out a way to organize and achieve my way to dropping those last 30, *ahem*, 60 pounds. 

Don’t think that I didn’t try. I read up on several different diets. I found out that I could eat a diet of just meat and cheese and lose weight (huzzah!). I researched all of the correct supplements I should take if I started a keto diet. I ordered keto-friendly cookbooks. I signed up for a year-long membership to Planet Fitness. I bought a new pair of “running” sneakers (ha!) for when I started to go to Planet Fitness. Over the course of 2019, I had come up with the best possible health and fitness plan that would appeal to me. And yet, I still failed. Why?

I am reminded of a quote from Jesus: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). Jesus is quite literally talking about monetary treasures, but I think it can apply metaphorically to other aspects of our lives as well. I was trying to convince my mind and heart of how great losing weight could be. I figured if I could psych myself up enough about how great dieting and exercising could be, that I would be motivated to do it. I was working Jesus’ quote backward; if I could put my heart in the right place, the treasures would come. But often it does not work that way. What I needed to do was, quite literally, take the first step. I needed to just start exercising and eating better, and over time, I would have found out what I liked and needed to be successful. 

Where are the places in your life where you know you need to get moving, but you keep delaying yourself worrying about the details and motivation? Rather than resolving to do something by the end of the year, just start doing it. Figure it out as you go and try to enjoy the journey, even when you take a step back. All of this can apply to our lives of faith as well, it doesn’t all have to be about our bodies. Are you thinking of wanting to deepen your faith this year? Just stop by a Bible study and check it out. Lord of Life currently has seven of them for you to check out.

It might seem a little awkward at first if you aren’t a “Bible study type of person,” but give it some time and you may see your heart begin to follow and your faith begin to grow. If it ultimately isn’t for you, don’t give up, check out another way to plug into the community at Lord of Life. 

Resolving to shorten my blog posts,

Pastor Corey