2017summerfestthankyou 01

What a weekend! This past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were loaded with congregational goodness and you were part of it!

Friday night, busy teens took time out of their late-August days for a Sr. High Lock-in. Twenty of us spent the night playing wacky games, studying the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12), worshipping around the campfire, and snacking and munching our way through the night. What an excellent way to kick off the Fall!

Saturday morning brought set-up crews for Summerfest and the continuing work of preparing the Preschool classrooms that will soon be bustling with children and their families – 104 kids at last count are signed up for the 2017-2018 school year! Wow!

When Sunday came around, we gathered for one celebratory worship together with our seminarian Corey Wagonfield, who shared snacks with everyone during the Children’s message preached. Little Annabelle Potter had a bundle of family to surround her for her baptism and welcome her as a child of God.

Following worship, we shared a massive potluck of BBQ pork (thanks to Phil Panning and John Morrell for providing the meat), macaroni and cheese, side dishes, salads, and sweet treats, before enjoying an afternoon of field games and bingo, colorful face painting, target practice with the dunk tank, and creativity at the tie dye table.

Big thanks to all who planned, set up, cleaned up, led, and participated in any of these events. You can view photos from these events on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/LordofLifeWestChester​​) and in our upcoming printed Lifeline newsletter.

Our theme for this year of worship, learning, and serving moments is “God Blesses the World through Lord of Life.” We are blessed when God meets us in times of worship, education, and fellowship. God uses us to be a blessing as we are sent into our neighborhoods for living, school, work, recreation, and service. Our dollars and other gifts are a blessing as God uses them to impact churches and communities around the globe.

We want to hear your stories. Tell us how you’ve seen this in your life or the lives of others. How have you witnessed God blessing the world through Lord of Life?


Blessings in the Bug.

Blessings in the Bug

For the next month, a 1974 yellow VW Bug will be our mobile recording studio, ready to capture your reflections.

It’s as easy as 1,2,3:

1. Think of a Blessing.

“How have you been blessed by Lord of Life?”


“How have you seen Lord of Life be a blessing?”

2. Climb in the VW Bug.

3. Record your blessing.

Use your phone or the provided ipad to record: introduce yourself and then give a 1 minute reflection in the VW Studio. If you use your own device, please upload it to YouTube and send a link to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You can also record elsewhere and send it to us.

Psalm 71:15 says, “I will tell of your goodness; all day long I will speak of your salvation, though it is more than I can understand.” Thanks for helping us name and celebrate how “God Blesses the World through Lord of Life.” We’ll let you know in the coming weeks how we’ll share these encouraging stories of faith and hope.

Wishing you peace.

Pastor Lowell