In this month of love, I can’t help but once again thank you for being part of this incredible year of ministry through so many beautiful moments of worship, learning, and outreach! Looking back through our photos from 2023, I was struck by how many pictures involved us holding something.
There were countless images of you holding markers as we signed metal beams and wrote on the floor in the new space, marking these places with our names and prayers as we look ahead to the many ways God will meet us here and use these spaces for sharing God’s unconditional love.
There were moments of youth and adults welcoming and caring for children. There were images of us holding animals at Tikkun Farm, with our families in Appalachia, and at our Blessing of the Pets celebration.
Month after month, there were pictures of us holding non-perishables ready to deliver to needy families, serving hungry families at monthly Stepping Forward meals, and boxing up our Tree of Warmth items so heads and hands would be snuggled on chilly winter days.
So many occasions found us holding Scripture in our hearts, on our lips, and in our hands, as we centered ourselves in worship, Bible study, and conversations centered in the story of Jesus.
There were many photos of us holding one another in love through conversations, hugs, and high fives, as well as moments of holding one another in prayer and sharing bread and wine.
There were images of you holding on to quilts as we prayed for those who would receive them, holding up signs at a Pride event, and holding a basket of cookies as we shared them with police and fire personnel on God’s Work, Our Hands Weekend.
We even stepped forward in bold faith and completed our Share the Light expansion, holding the cross of Jesus high as a sign of love for all the world to see.
The attached picture has been holding my attention in recent weeks. Juan, holding the heart pillow, is a member of the Vida Eterna Iglesia Luterana (VEIL) community, the Spanish speaking Latinx congregation that also meets at Lord of Life.
Back in August, after tests which confirmed that his heart was failing, Juan was admitted to ICU at University of Cincinnati, while his medical team made a plan. He needed a heart transplant. After a five month wait, a successful transplant occurred. Juan is now home as he recovers, but drives to UC three days a week for testing and rehabilitation. Over these months, he has been unable to work and his attentive wife lost her job. Doctors expect his physical therapy and his full recovery to last up to 18 months.
As a way to surround Juan and his family with love and hold them during these months, we are hosting a Heart to Heart Gift Card Blitz through this Sunday, February 11. We hope to collect $5,000 worth of grocery (Aldi and Kroger) and fuel cards to allow Juan’s family to focus their funds elsewhere. 100 - $50 gifts cards will help us hit our goal! Can you help? You can drop your card in the Heart to Heart box this weekend or in the exterior drop box to the right of the front door. Thank you.
As we step into 2024, I pray that the Spirit of God continues to hold us in love and use us for holy moments of living, sharing, and celebrating together. What will this year hold for us?
Better and stronger together,
Pastor Lowell