Today is Maundy Thursday. In the Christian Church, it is the day we remember Jesus giving his disciples one last instruction, one final mandate, a new maundatum. He said, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you... By this everyone will know that you are my disciples." John 13:34-35
I caught a glimpse of that love this past Sunday, when, in an act of solidarity with Jacqui Roell and her journey of breast cancer, a dozen women donned headscarves. I asked them why they did it and what they experienced. Here are a few excerpts:
From Susan Cramer: Jacqui's ongoing response as she saw more and more of her sisters in Christ wearing head scarves was priceless. We wore them to show her that she is not alone in this battle, and it was clear that she was feeling the sisterhood. I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster she rides during this time in her life (as well as the physical), but I hope this moment brought joy that she can feel in her days ahead.
From Abbey Cramer: I feel proud to be part of a congregation that rallies behind a member in need. It is so easy to support someone like Jacqui, who is selfless and faithful. I think people responded really positively to the visible sign of support and, in turn, are now rallying behind Jacqui as well.
From Pilvi Ketola:
I don't think I can even fathom what Jacqui is going through... Her honesty and humor have amazed me. She has bravely shared moments like when she feels sick or started to lose her hair... We are not able to share her pain to help her to feel any less physical stress, but for one morning we decided to cover our heads just to show her that she is not alone. It felt good. I was hoping she would like it.
Women of Lord of Life are amazing! I've never experienced community like that before in my life. One of the reasons for its strength might be the experience of CRHP (Christ Renew His Parish). Jacqui is leading the ongoing group. The sharing that happens on that weekend is amazing. Women have been willing to share details of their faith journeys and explained how God has molded their hearts and changed their lives... I can't quite put it in words, but I've seen Jesus through these wonderful people as they love and support each other.
From Jen Kreimer: I am blessed to have Jacqui as my sister-in-law. She is such an amazing person and I admire her strength. Jacqui is always dedicating herself to others and I wanted to show my love and support for her.
From Jillian Kreimer: My Aunt Jacqui has always been so supportive of me and I wanted to do something to support her in this fight. I want her to know how much I love her.
From Barb Mackey: I have been thinking and praying for Jacqui as she goes through her battle with breast cancer. I think she is incredibly strong just like her tattoo says, "I am brave and I am strong.” [Wearing head scarves] was a visible way to show support... I guess that is the heart of Christianity: “Do unto others.”
From Leah Schliebaum: We were supporting Jacqui, so she wasn't the only one wearing something on her head. I felt good [and] I got smiles from people at church who knew the reason behind it.
From Teresa Schliebaum: I knew Jacqui was having a rough week. She is one of our sisters at Lord of Life (LOL)... She is just one, of many, strong women going through a difficult period. I wanted to help show her that I am there for her... It was awesome to see the power a simple little gesture had behind it.
From Gretchen Todd: I wore a head scarf to church on Sunday to support my good friend Jacqui who has lost her hair from cancer treatment. I was uncomfortable and felt self-conscious and awkward but also empowered. At the service I attended, I was the only person with a head scarf on. I felt like everyone at church was staring at me and it was very uncomfortable to stand out. A few ladies who had received the memo to wear a head scarf to support Jacqui spoke out that they wished they would have had the courage to wear a scarf themselves. It was very eye opening to feel for one hour the kind of uncomfortable attention that Jacqui must feel like she gets every day. She is so strong and beautiful. I’m glad to call her my friend.
From Megan Wagonfield: As a mother, I see the pain, fear, and worry in her daughter's eyes. Hearing that Lynzie was struggling with Jacqui's hair loss, I felt that this was a way to ease some of those feelings for her, even if it was for just a brief moment. I cannot imagine what Jacqui is going through. The physical, emotional, and spiritual toll this is playing on her and her family must be exhausting. While I can't do much for her, wearing a scarf was a way I could show that I'm on her team and with her on her journey. What a beautiful morning it was!