council for web

Serving as council president of Lord of Life in the past year has been a very humbling experience and I love it.  Thirteen years ago, my family was looking for a church that we can call home and we have been lucky to be part of an awesome congregation with incredible people who willingly give time, talent, and resources to serve our community. It has been a blessing for me to be part of the Council leadership and give back.

As president, I have had the opportunity to shape our strategy and action plan with help from council leadership and staff. The journey started two years ago with lots of prayers. Recognizing the need to plan and dream together, council, leadership, and members spent time exploring Lord of Life’s past, present, and future with Luke Bouman, a ministry consultant. At his urging, council made the shift to primarily focusing on our strategy for the future, knowing our ministry coordinators (MACs) and staff have the day-to-day operations well in hand. It is exciting to see our congregation grow but at the same time, we want to be prepared to support that growth and a big part of our action plan is focused just on that. 

I am particularly excited about our Share the Light initiative and making that a reality with your help.  It is just fascinating to see the mission we lead and a big shout out to MAC leaders, staff and volunteers who continue to share their talent and time.  The Design and Guidance teams will begin meeting next week to kick off the next phase of the campaign.

I am excited for the year ahead and allowing God to work through all of us here at Lord of Life. I also want to invite you to prayerfully consider stepping into a Council or MAC position, or one of the other many leadership roles. Finally, thank you for your support and prayers.

Privileged to Serve,

Vasanthi Chalasani
Council President

Nominations for the upcoming council elections (vice president, treasurer, and three at-large positions) close on October 24.  Please contact Kara Sagedal, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with your nominations.