Each of us comes at life with our own perspective and sees things differently.
A nurse. A teacher. A Stephen Minister.
Call it a distinct view or an alternate vantage point, this is one of the great joys of doing life together! Our collective story is enhanced by what others bring to it.
As one of the leaders of this congregation, sometimes I wonder if I get a first-hand view of ministry that some of you miss out on. Whew! Let me share. What a couple of days we’ve had!
Each day brings new declarations and restrictions as the pandemic moves deeper into our neighborhoods and lives, but that can’t stop the ways that God is using us to plant seeds of faith, hope, and love. Here are a few of the beautiful moments I’ve experienced this week. (I invite you to share any that you’ve seen or been part of on our social media sites).
Some of the Lord of Life nurses have a group chat to encourage and support one another. One of them recently found out that she was being moved into training to care for COVID-19 patients. “I am afraid,” she wrote. Instantly, the nurse texts exploded with prayers, strategies for health, emojis, and words of encouragement. It was beautiful to watch their love and concern embrace their sister.
One of the Lord of Life Preschool teachers, after hearing that class – and her pay – would be ending March 31, wrote to the board president, “[I’ll] be able to continue to post videos and I will do so as I am able. I will complete my end of year videos for all 4 classes and have their end of the year books available for pickup when circumstances allow. [I will also] make a "graduation" video for the kids sometime on or before original last day of school… I appreciate all that you do!”
One of our Stephen Ministers had an idea: For those who are able to do so, what if we used a portion of the upcoming stimulus check to buy groceries for a local food bank? “I think the food banks are going to be hit really hard for weeks or months to come and I feel this is a way to help.”
Pastor Bob Browning, serving St. Matthew’s Lutheran in Darrtown, called to say that he is very appreciative of our online worship services. He is going to encourage St. Matthew's to log into our feed each week, rather than trying to do one of his own. (I should also mention that Pastor Lucas McSurley, our former intern, has shared our Sunday morning livestream link with his congregation, Messiah Lutheran in Akron, so he can dedicate his energies to pastoral care and other ministries.)
You might feel like ministry is on hold or suspended, since we’re not in the building, or that somehow God’s mission has been derailed, this spring. Nothing could be further from the truth. God’s Spirit is continuing to lead us into living out our mission to live, share, and celebrate God’s love with all people. Who could’ve imagined the generosity that would come from these days of isolation?
As we enter this Holy Week and journey with Jesus through the gates of Jerusalem to the upper room and then follow him to the hill where he will lay down his life for us, hear the Truth of God’s love, once again: “The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”
During this unprecedented era in our lifetimes, there will be grim moments. But Jesus Christ goes with us. He is our light, our hope, our peace.
Thanks be to God!
Pastor Lowell
image from Dave Walker, cartoonchurch.com