This past Sunday I attended a powerful and beautiful celebration as our former seminary intern, Lucas McSurley, was ordained into the ministry of Word and Sacrament. Kneeling at the front of the sanctuary with Bishop Abraham Allende of the Northeastern Ohio Synod of the ELCA and more than two dozen pastors and deaconesses laying hands on him, I listened as these words were spoken:
“Let it be acclaimed that Lucas Kristian McSurley is a called and ordained minister in the church of Christ. He has Christ’s authority to preach the word of God and administer the sacraments, serving God’s people as together we bear God’s creative and redeeming love to all the world.”
It was a powerful moment of celebration as the worship space exploded with applause and cheers! Thank you to each of you who encouraged and supported Lucas on his journey to this moment and during his time among us at Lord of Life. Please continue to pray for him in this new era of ministry.
Part of what made his ordination so powerful was what the writer of Hebrews calls the “great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1-2) gathered in that space. In addition to his family and friends, the Messiah Lutheran Church sanctuary was packed with people from his home congregation of Faith Lutheran in Wilmington, pastors and leaders from the campus ministry at Wittenberg University where Lucas studied for his undergraduate degree, and faculty from Trinity Lutheran Seminary where he attended divinity school. Added to that mix were several rows of Lord of Life friends who cruised several hours north to represent our community where he served for his two-year internship.
The rest of the sanctuary was filled with the good people of Messiah. Lucas may not know all their names and stories of faith, yet, but they also showed up to love, support, and pray for their new shepherd on this day when he became official in the eyes of the Church.
Some words from Lucas posted on his Facebook page following his ordination:
“My heart is overflowing with love!...Thank you all for making such an inspiring day happen! To look out over a sea of people that have loved me, taught me, and supported me, it was truly a once in a lifetime experience that I will treasure forever!...It’s so surreal that God brought such a holy collision of people together, people from all the different chapters of my life. I can’t thank you enough for so much more than you will ever know!
It is important for us to show up for one another. We gather to support each other in moments of celebrations, and also show up for occasions of sorrow and loss. We encircle one another for big events, as well as for the quiet and mundane happenings of everyday life. Physical presence matters.
Jesus knew this. His ministry was centered around showing up. During Advent, we not only anticipate God’s coming to us in the flesh in Bethlehem, but also give thanks for the many ways that Jesus continues to show up in our lives. Without the loving presence of Christ, we wouldn’t be empowered to love and care for one another. Marty Haugen says it this way in his popular hymn:
Give us strength to love each other,
ev'ry sister, ev'ry brother;
Spirit of all kindness, be our guide.
Healer of our ev'ry ill,
light of each tomorrow,
give us peace beyond our fear,
and hope beyond our sorrow.
Marty Haugen © 1987 GIA Publications
During this season of presents, God invites us to share our presence with each other. We are gifts to each other.
You are a gift!
Pastor Lowell