Scrolling through texts and emails, I’ve noticed a marked increase in questions, this month. “When is Graduate Sunday?” “When is Confirmation?” “Are we hosting Family Promise, this month?” “What are the dates for our ASP (Appalachian Service Project) trip?” (See the latest Lifeline for all these ministry dates and more.)
But wait … there’s more! Inquiries are also coming in about the latest shifts in CDC recommendations for congregations, outside groups using our spaces, the planting schedule for our community garden, funeral restrictions, staff summer vacations, and other questions. We are curious and searching for answers.
You may remember Anselm of Canterbury’s (1033–1109) popular definition of theology, “faith seeking understanding.” Questions drove him – and us – to search and wrestle with issues of love, loss, shame, liberation, life, meaning, and faith. Our yearning to comprehend God’s creative efforts and unconditional embrace drives us to wonder and clarify. We can’t stop asking questions.
Earlier this month, I answered some questions about our life together, since we aren’t lingering in the gathering space or parking lot to muse about these. Here are a few more that have been our minds.
What is happening with our church sign?
Our electronic sign is dead. Toast. History. We’ve made several repairs over the last few years, but this winter the digital panels finally shut down for good. Two different companies confirmed that repair/replacement parts aren’t available and we should seek alternatives.
So what’s next? We’re exploring all options from replacing the digital panels with the latest technology to the throwback idea of having a sign with a fixed image and information. Increasingly, our surrounding area knows about our worship, learning, serving, and community opportunities from social media and our website, which offer much greater possibilities and reach than a high definition sign. We’ll keep you posted.
Why can’t we have indoor worship in the Fellowship Hall while the Sanctuary is under construction?
Our sound systems are permanently installed in the sanctuary and outdoor worship spaces. If we were to worship in the Fellowship Hall, it would only be acoustic with no sound or video for the in-person or online experiences. In addition, COVID restrictions limit the number of people able to gather in that space, whereas our outdoor sanctuary offers a more expansive and hospitable space. Thank you for your flexibility.
“When will the Share the Light project be complete?”
We don’t have a timeline for the completion of the Share the Light renovations and additions. Permitting is backed up considerably because of the COVID shutdowns. We feel that as we currently wait for fire suppression and sanctuary permits. We hope to finalize the sanctuary upgrades in early summer and look forward to announcing a ground-breaking date for the new multipurpose community space in the coming months.
When is our next rummage sale?
There are no plans for a Lord of Life rummage sale. If you cannot wait until then, we encourage you to host a garage sale at your home (maybe even invite some friends to join you, making it a multi-family sale) and then donate the proceeds to youth ministry at Lord of Life. Thank you in advance!
Thank you again for your faithfulness and flexibility during this unusual season. I pray that you are well and staying healthy, and look forward to the possibility of seeing you face to face, soon.
Thank you for continuing to live, share, and celebrate with all in Jesus’ name. This is not only our church’s mission, but is the driving force behind the many ways we ask, seek, and knock.
Still searching,
Pastor Lowell