QUESTIONS nicole blog

I was a quiet kid and do not remember voicing a lot of my questions out loud because I was too shy to do so. When I started working at a Bible camp, I was reminded just how many questions kids ask. They are not afraid to think about God and the world around them, like “Why is the sky blue? How did God make all of us so unique? What does God look like? How did Jesus heal and help people?”

Witnessing this as an adult reminded me to not be afraid to ask about those complicated questions that I keep to myself. “How do we include all people in the church? Why do we worship the way we do? How can God be everywhere?”

One of my favorite hymns called “Ask the Complicated Questions” from the All Creation Sings hymn book has a verse that goes as follows:

“Ask the complicated questions.
Do not fear to be found out;
for our God makes strong our weakness,
forging faith in fires of doubt.”

This verse is a reminder that God is among us amid all the complicated questions. The psalms are filled with lament, praise, and thanksgiving, but are also filled with the Psalmists asking God a lot of hard questions, wrestling, and wondering. Psalm 13:1 says, “How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?”

The gospels are filled with the disciples asking Jesus lots of questions, wrestling, and wondering too. Matthew 24:3 says, “What will be the sign of your coming and the end of age?” Peter asks Jesus in Matthew 19:27, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” Often, Jesus does not give a straightforward answer. However, the disciples are never discouraged nor do they stop asking Jesus lots of questions.

You may have been taught that questions, especially about our faith and God, are bad. When we ask questions, it is not about having all the correct answers. Scripture reminds us that our questions are encouraged. Asking questions about our journey of faith means we are thinking deeply about the world around us and want to continue to learn. God can handle all our questions, even the hard ones.

As you continue to wrestle, I encourage you not to be afraid of those hard questions and to be comforted that even amid your questioning God is present.

Faithfully questioning,
Pastor Nicole