What a whirlwind few weeks we’ve shared together! Thank you to all who organized, led, read, sang, served, and attended Holy Week and Easter worship moments. Together, we journeyed with Jesus from death to life!
On Palm Sunday, we waved palms and shouted “Hosanna!” as we remembered the entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem. “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!"
On Maundy Thursday, we embraced Jesus’ invitation to love one another as we washed feet, confessed, prayed, and marked ourselves once again in the waters of baptism. Our service concluded with the stripping of the altar, as we leaned into the grim realities of Good Friday.
On Good Friday, with words of betrayal, denial, abuse, and crucifixion, we experienced the growing darkness and crushing gravity of Jesus’ death. We waited in darkness for the Light of Christ to return.
The Easter Vigil found us gathered around the Light of Christ, remembering that the “light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” We heard God’s promises as we read through God’s salvation history and then were led into the blazing light and sound of the resurrection!
Easter morning found us gaping at the empty tomb. In wonder and joy, we joined Christians around the globe with shouts of “Alleluia! Christ is risen indeed!” In joy-filled song, Scripture, prayer, and Holy Communion, we savored that Christ is alive!
This Sunday, the journey of Easter continues. On Easter evening, Jesus met disciples on their way to Emmaus and in the breaking of the bread, "their eyes were opened and they recognized him.”
This Easter season, isn’t just about looking back, but also looking ahead. Jesus meets us, too. Look for him. Our risen Lord continues to come among us, bringing life, light, and hope.