
I see you, but I can’t get to you fast enough. At the end of worship, I play a postlude or some sort of musical tag and by the time I’ve finished, most of you have gotten to your cars. I never get to say hi! I realized as I looked out at the pews on Sunday morning I have never interacted with 30% of the people who were at our 10 am worship. It is really exciting to see so many new faces, but super frustrating to never know who you are. So if you’ve never chatted with me, make your way over to the piano/keyboard after worship and say hi! I promise I won’t try to pressure you into joining a choir. 

For those of you who already know me or have been at Lord of Life for a little while: if you happen to notice faces you don’t recognize, introduce yourselves to each other. It is amazing to see our community growing and evolving and there are countless opportunities to learn from each other and celebrate the new life that is growing here.

Hoping to meet you soon!
