Wait, what season are we in? This year, the in-breaking of spring as been chaotic to say the least. Still, despite the fierce chill, the buds on the stems and branches have fought through the cold and have sprouted into life. There is nothing more beautiful in all of God’s creation than to see the colorful flower petals peeking through the snow.
When I was younger, I never understood the idea of giving someone flowers. If you think about it, how romantic is it to give someone a gift that will die and wither away?
Giving flowers to a significant other was like saying “here, our relationship reminds me of these flowers, which will eventually die.” I simply did not understand. This all changed when I heard the perspective from the one receiving the flowers. My wife, Alex, loves flowers because they encompass both the beauty and the difficultly of a relationship. With a little work, a bouquet can bring vibrant colors to any room, along with smells that bring a rejuvenating spirit. Likewise, our Christian journey is not always rosy, often, there are waves of difficulty that require our attention and deep contemplation.
I was reminded that flowers, in their natural environment do not fully die at all, but they pollinate and return more abundant and lively than ever. The life cycle of a flower and Christ’s journey through the death and resurrection have more in common than meets the eye. Just as sure as the flowers arrive, so too Easter morning inevitably comes. Little did I know, that when I was giving someone special an arrangement of flowers, I was sending a message of hope. Hope that brings the assurance that those flowers will indeed come again. This is the kind of hope that we are called to live into as followers of Christ.
These signs of hope, the blooms that appear year after year, are occurring at Lord of Life all around us. Can you see the beauty peeking through the reminisce of snow? One of the many growing blossoms that is taking its form here at Lord of Life is the reigniting of Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministry is a one-to one-person ministry that equips and empowers lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. There are times in our life when we cannot seem to muster the strength to get through the winter, when the hope of spring seems too far-gone. These are the moments when God enters into our lives and brings the melting sun. Just as God creates flowers full of life and beauty, so too our community of ministry can bring life and beauty to all those in need. Indeed, our love for creation and each other can bring about God’s heavenly kingdom, God will soon reveal to the world the hopefulness of spring.
With Resurrecting Hope,
Intern Lucas McSurley