
We’ve had a phenomenal start! Since January, your Stephen Ministers have been serving as Christ’s hands and feet within one-on-one care giving relationships. We are striving to remain confidential and Christ-centered while continuing to develop our skills in listening. Being a part of the reigniting and growth of Stephen Ministry has truly been a Christ-inspired blessing.

In the book of Acts, Stephen was chosen to provide care to those in need within the ancient Christian community. Since the time of the Apostles, caring ministry has been considered a hallmark of the Christian faith. Stephen Ministers follow the example of Stephen and are called respond to the needs of a community in a loving and compassionate way. One care receiver said about their relationship, “the time spent with my Stephen Minister is like one hour of sanity in a week that feels turned upside down.”

This fall, Intern Lucas McSurley and myself recruited, trained, and coached eight Stephen Ministers in how to cultivate distinctively Christian care giving skills. We spent fifty hours together over two months to build a team of compassionate and non-judgmental listeners. There was such a need for effective listeners that it only took three months after training for all eight Stephen Ministers to be assigned to a care receiver.

We are thrilled to announce that Cindy Campbell has responded to God’s call to serve as a second Stephen Leader. She says about feeling called into leadership that “God has continually placed the right people in my life, and now I want to pay forward the same care and wisdom I have been given over the years.” Cindy will attend a week-long Stephen Ministry leadership training workshop soon. With Intern Lucas heading into a first call congregation, it is our hope that we will continue to have at least two Stephen Leaders. Together, Cindy and I will work with Pastor Lowell to provide leadership for this impactful ministry. We are always looking for people interested in becoming Stephen Ministers, so if that is you please let us know, and we will get you plugged into our next training session in the near future.

Stephen Ministers typically meet for about an hour on a weekly basis with their assigned care receiver. Additionally, the team of Stephen Ministers meet twice per month for supervision meetings and continuing education. Even among Stephen Ministers, the identities of care receivers are kept strictly confidential. Care receivers can be from within or outside of the Lord of Life community.  Those currently serving as Stephen Ministers include: Cindy Campbell, Helen Funk, Marie Jurkiewicz, Becky Mastalerz, Barb Mackey, Aleen Miller, Jenny Smith, and Bonnie Tremayne. You can be in touch with them through the church office. They are all here to listen any time life throws you a curve. Please continue to keep the Stephen Ministry team in your prayers. Thank you for your support!

With love,

Ava Fiebig