It has officially been one year...July 15, 2019, marked the one year of service milestone for my internship. I can’t believe how quickly this first year has gone. The old adage is true, “time flies when you are having fun.” There has been a lot of fun:
- Making crazy music videos with Pastor Lowell
- Participating in a record attendance VBS Program
- Serving the people of Appalachia with our Appalachia Service Project mission trip
- Playing games of gaga ball and knockout on Jr. High retreats
- Participating in my first baptism as a pastor
- Becoming friends with families from Family Promise
- Being present for so many of all your exciting milestone celebrations (birthdays, baptisms, first communions, confirmations, anniversaries, etc.)
I am so thankful for all of the joyful moments that have come during this past year. But they only make up half of my experience here at Lord of Life. I have also been blessed to be present with you all during some of the saddest and hardest moments of your lives:
- The deaths of beloved congregation members
- Officiating my first funeral
- Depression and anxiety diagnoses
- Breaking apart of marriages
- Abuse
- Loss of jobs and mounting debt
- Broken family dynamics
The thing is… Despite all of the sorrow and heartache from the past year, I wouldn’t trade it for any other job. It has been amazing to see how this family of Lord of Life has rallied around one another in support and love. It has taught me so much about caring for our neighbor and being willing to share our pain with those who are willing to take it on.
Just as it is hard to have fun all by yourself… It is hard to go through the pain all by yourself. That is part of the reason we gather in Christian community, to laugh with one another and to cry with one another. We remind each other of God’s unfailing love for us and offer words of hope for a better life to come when the world seems to be falling down around us.
I can’t imagine that my last ten months with all of you will be any different than the first year, and for that, I feel bittersweet. I look forward to moments of joy, but I bemoan our broken world that causes so much pain. But I couldn’t ask for better traveling companions for the rest of this journey!
Let’s Make These Last Few Months Count,
Pastor Corey
P.S. - The two photos above are of me on my first week preaching at Lord of Life and a year later. I am fully aware I am wearing the exact same outfit. I promise it was washed… I am a creature of habit.