
Thanks to all who made this year’s VBS happen! This year's theme "On Earth as in Heaven" invited us to pray for God's transformation of the world - and say “Yes” to God's invitation to be part of it!

Each day focused on a goal for ensuring a sustainable future for everyone, including hunger issues, good health, gender equality, education, and peace.

Here are a few quotes from families who participated:

Thank you so much to everyone who put their time and effort into moving VBS online. It was AWESOME! As a parent, I loved how easy it was to navigate through the videos each day. By dividing them up, it helped to take breaks and come back, since not everyone has the same attention span.

My daughter attends LOLCP. She is an only child and really missed her classmates this spring. So when I told her what VBS was, she was very excited. She especially loved the flags for each country or state, singing along with the music, and all of the crafts. We had nice conversations about helping others, being kind, praying for others, and about everyone and everything being connected as One through God.

Kudos to the entire Lord of Life Team and thank you for brightening our summer!

Thanks! Nicole


We absolutely love the virtual VBS this year! Sometimes, we did VBS after dinner as our family game night! We saved some crafts, science, recipes, and games for a later date, so we can stretch them out for a couple weeks.

We utilized all of the activities into school learning too. My son is going into the second grade and needs a lot of writing practice. My son now knows the Lord’s Prayer by heart and has started writing it on his own.

His grandmother is in the hospital, so he used the Lord’s Prayer bracelet to give her as a gift! He said it was an example of “on earth as it is in heaven.”



VBS was amazing!!! The kids have been singing the songs non-stop. We have been doing all the crafts and science experiments as a family each night. It has been so great! Our daughter was so proud of herself to not only know all of the words to The Lord’s Prayer, but to also know what the prayer means.

Thank you so much for having virtual camp, it was above and beyond what we expected! The kids are so sad it is over.
