veil picture

Four reflections from the Vida Eterna–Iglesia Luterana (VEIL) youth who went to Houston, this summer, for the ELCA National Youth Gathering.

By Meirielys Castaneda Ceballos

While we were at the University of Houston for MYLE, we met many new people from all over the world. “The Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) empowers young people of color and those whose primary language is other than English to claim their story as a part of God's story” (

It was great to be present with so many different cultures and to learn from them. One of my favorite parts was the worship service at Synod Day, because there were many songs in different languages. I also liked the Affinity (ethnic) Group time where we talked about our Hispanic culture and what we can do to help in our community as Latinos.

Another great experience for me was donating blood… Although I was very nervous, I knew I could help someone and “This changes everything!”

By Jennifer Menéz

One reflection we did all three days was ask, “Where did you find God?”… We had a Service Day that was a challenge for our group, working in the sun and humidity. By mulching, we saved the trees in one of the community parks of Houston. We did this as the amazing, strong, and powerful VEIL youth!

We served as Communion Assistants on Synod Day, serving the bread and wine that is Christ. We had a great time and even spent time with the LOL Youth. The experience was amazing because we shared the experiences together and helped each other.

By Jessica Menéz

At MYLE, we had so many fun experiences… We learned so much about each other, as Latinos working together as one to help each other… We had a service day where we assisted at a Community Center. We danced, played, read and ate lunch with the kids. I had the best time with them and I know our presence made a big impact on them. The kids wanted us to return to play with them.

By Valeria Arroyo-Venegas

At MYLE, our Service Learning Day was spent at a Community Center located in an apartment complex for low income families. Many of the children we tutored or played with had only one parent or no parents. I worked with a beautiful, little girl who at the start of our time wouldn’t speak to me, nor would she look at me. Little by little, via short questions, she began to speak… Not knowing how to respond, I asked if she wanted me to hug her in return, and with a large smile she said “YES!” She seemed comfortable with me and returned several times for a hug. She became sad when she realized I would not be returning to the Center. I learned that sometimes all a person needs is someone to make them feel important and loved.

At the ELCA Youth Gathering, we were able to meet many new people, as well as create an even stronger bond with the Lord of Life youth. Almost every night, we sat together for worship, and though we were two different churches, when we were together, we were ONE.