Register your kids (infant through 12th grade) for Youth Ministry! CLICK HERE to register.
Youth Sunday School
Such exciting times at Lord of Life! Our youth ministry is rooted in God’s love for all of us and growing together. We have a passion for our children to know the power and peace that a life grounded in the teachings of Jesus can bring our families. Our community is filled with fun and joy too.
Kindergarten-5th Grade: Our younger kids begin in the Sanctuary for worship. Children will join in activities in the Fellowship Hall after the Children’s Message and return to worship at Holy Communion.
6th-8th Grade: Meets in the New Space weekly with days off to worship as a family, or other special days, including retreats, church visits, and service projects.
9th-12th Grade: Meets in the Lighthouse Room with days off for time spent in worship or other special days.
Our nursery is staffed on Sunday mornings during the 9:30 am education and worship hour. Little ones are welcome to join the nursery at any time. Many opt to stay in worship through the Children’s Message.
Adult Sunday School
Our adult Sunday School meets in the Church Library. Led by Pastor Ed Williams, they are studying Native American Christianity. If you're looking for other adult learning options, check out our Bible studies; there's something for everyone!